Thursday, September 09, 2004

Everything Before the Weekend

Hello all, no i haven't been lazy, just very busy. Ok this is my week in summary:

1. Dubai kicks our ass' BIG TIME & more than ever in food & beverage & entertainment & ambience :((((((

2. I had a fight with a very important client (the Tony Soprano effect). I have lost my shame or inhibition to show anger. Which is good & bad i think. Talking to 2 different friends about this, they expressed that they have been showing anger too. Madri shesalfa yemkin its the stars?

3. I have decided to play cupid this week also, but so far i haven't been successful :/ ABI BEIT FIL YANA!

4. Oh & this is for purg: The ex speaking to a common friend said that i have a good sense of humour! Dunno what that means, but kinda pissed me off because i can be described in nicer ways than that. hmmm!

5. Discovered that Atkins plus fruit & milk works too!

6. Rediscovered walking again now that the weather is milder. I stopped walking because a guy grabbed my "derrier" then hit me in the face when i ran after him to hit him. AHHH yal qahar!

Something to think about:
*What is the definition of a gentleman in 2004?

*What is the definition of a lady in 2004?

Opsy daisy! Son #2 in blog makes me a non-lady :( I have to get some wasta to fix that!
Fatality: Son = So (typo) pardon.

Pinky: he punched me the son of a pimp!
Here we go again with the ex., take him out of your head.
Purg! I think you have intimacy issues.. it has nothing to do with my ex, it has to do with YOUR love life, because it really does bother you when i mention Ex and you fail to acknowledge anything else in the Bloq. hmmmmmmm interesting
hehe yeah chocolates, u wanna male bash? I think we have to create a new blog for that, lest i lose popularity with my male readers.

of course I do, that is not a hidden secret, but you do mention him alot along with the other stuff, and that is the part I pick up, because I do not see anything special about this ex. that makes you mention him so many times.
WoW,, lotsa negativity on the gentleman & Lady blog. Ok, this is what i believe, a gentleman is who is confident of his manhood and he takes it seriously and reflects that in his character: he never breaks his word and he is generous in his gentleness. A lady is a woman who also is confident of her femininity and respects others and herself by default. She knows that exhibiting femininity does not go against her feminist/women's rights ideals because gentleman will not take advantage of that.

Saying all that, yes it is difficult to be a gentleman and a modern man in one, but i think guys are catching up; more than i can say about my gender!
2-Things are funky lately…… I don’t know why?
3-You can never win when you play cupid.
4-Is he saying this to get closer to you again?
The rest later cuz I have the Saturday blues.
madri, madri, madri
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