Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Black Lace

Testing :))

Thank you mentor :*
that looks very sexual hehe... what the hell is the comment above mine... telemarketing taken to a new level?!
sh-hal e'3ra2at ....

victoria secret ad?
interesting blog :)
7arakaaat .. allah e3afi il ghbara bas :P
hehe hello all,

i was just testing this feature.

ok now, back to eating black berries.

p.s. more meaningful pics will come, as part of a new era :>
what about going back to hamad and lama??...seriously i need to know what happen?
I would like to welcome athari to this blog, she commented and i was too hungry,lazy,tired, to find the post which she commented on so i'll copy paste her comment here cuz its funny actually:

hi, I'm new here, couldn't help but read everything on this site cuz everything is so interesting. I could relate to alotta stuff as that i'm kuwaiti, too!

I wanted to comment the Dancing with Women thing...I gotta tell u, I find it funny cuz I remembered my graduation party, it was girls only--teachers were there, too, most of them westerners. A girl who wuz good friends with this teacher got up to a slow arabic song and danced right in front of her, but she not only smiled and looked at her while she danced but really put on the moves! LoL the western teacher just didna know how to take it, she blushed cuz it seemed as if the girl wuz trying to seduce her! Of course being kuwaiti i understood that the girl was only showing off.

It's the usual scene in every party I go to, be it a wedding or just a birthday, girls want to look their best. Seeing sumbody wearing something sexy to these Girls Only parties can either be only saying sth about her personality, or that she's trying too hard to impress everybody. (teenage girls-only parties tend to turn into something of a competition). And the fact that most of these girls, like Sheba said, can't dress up like that any where else, also adds to girls wanting to look their best.

But curious Misguided mentioned "stripper attire". Woah! I've never seen girls dress in that sense before, but surely if she did everybody would feel and let her know that it's NOT NORMAL.

And Sheba mentioned that many girls try to show off to mothers so they can marry their sons, which is true...but i find that insulting, trying to attract prospective mothers by their looks and dancing? i dunno, i can't respect that :-S

btw I love the site!

I demand a new post, Sheba.
Your wish is my command ;)
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