Sunday, September 26, 2004

Ladies Night At Diwanias

I think its about time that women join men in their diwanias on certain days. For example: Eid between a certain times, where we can come to pay our respect to the elderly in the family diwanias; or during 3aza in the last 1/2 hour before Maghreb prayer (end of Kuwaiti 3aza day) so that we can also pay our respects and condolences to the males members of the family; during election campaigns (i know some candidates invite us, been to Richard Pryers of Bayan, Al-Rub3y's, al-Naibaris, & Al-Sane3's (yes before the invasion of course), only because they are the only ones that women are welcomed in as far as i know.

It would also be nice in a next step to have an hour for women during the official weekly day of family diwanias. Its time we join that part of Kuwaiti life and economic and politial decision making, if ever we're to take part politically, don't you think?

I dont believe in Mens only clubs...

Kuwaiti Diwaniyas have changed dramatically, these days alot of them are like mini malls with 4 star catering and pool tables. Alot say they've lost the purpose they were made for. I dont know about other guys here but a list full of MSN buddies is far more useful or entertaining and less showy than attending a diwania and wasting hours of your life. I was going to do a full post about diwaniyas in my blog and expose all of the bullshit ....SO I might as well do it here
Talking about official diwaniyas. I actually do believe in the diwania as it is the official reception home, mu shar6 for decision making, but also for 'tawjeeb'. Some of us still believe in that ;)
I do not believe in a mixed diwaniya, not with the terms mentioned below. As for being part of the poltical and economical decision making, you are already, just look at all changes in companies anywhere in the gulf, those are done by women, or are we kidding ourselves to believe someone with qualifications actually gets somewhere?

The practice is also present eleswhere, not only to Kuwait or the gulf, we even have it in the States, so what else is left?
ma fahamt
Which part?
all sara7a :/
:) well regarding mix diwaniyah, you mention about an hour each week, which is a limitation, it should not be gradual, ya feee ya mafee, mo 7aba 7aba, ya3ni why do you lower yourself to be "allowed" an hour in the diwaniyah? it contradicts the concept of equality you advocate for economical and political discussions, an hour is not enough.

As for second part, I mentioned that if you look at changes in the people hired or promoted in companies now, or even at higher levels, the concept of best person is no longer valid, but rather, who is related to who, and is driven by women telling men who they should hire or promote,that is why it is also called "bedroom politics or economics".
Typos! & i cant edit :(((((((((((((((
"Behind every great man is a great woman."
Sheba, I hate to burst your bubble.. but you will go to many diwanias and be bored out of your skull
the expression should be (above every "great" man is a great woman)
Zaydoun, i don't intend to 'lounge' there. Btw, doesn't Suad al-Homaizi have a duwania for men and women?
I seriously doubt that she does.... مو شبهها
hmm Suad al-homaizi.. i heared the name before, but just cant remember when or by which context.. so familiar though!?
who is she?
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