Monday, September 20, 2004

Seasons Changing!

I am almost euphoric today & this is why and how:

1. Deprive yourself of sleep as to not be able to function properly all day.
2. Enjoy the smell of autumn, if you can, try to be as outdoors as possible!
3. Remember that Ramadan's a6ayef, & duwah (fire place Kuwaiti), loyat ilyahal, short working hours, & sahar are around the corner.
4. You have 3 more weekends in the warm sun. Enjoy them.
5. Going out after work to sit outdoors will soon be possible in good weather.

Dear sheba
1-I am always deprived of sleep,this is one of the reasons that I am le miz 2day.weekend Jet lag.
2-nose blocked 6% of the time
3-Ramadan spirit does not appeal to me anymore(jet lag + extra weight)
4-will try my best to enjoy
5-where outdoors beside cafes+palms+sas dont like any
2-nose blocked 60% of the time
In the day time, I love sitting outside in the One (marina). Try the hot chocolate & their waffles (the only real ones in town) with their lemon curd! MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

Palms on the beach, mid week, is nice too.

Second cup in wall street is not bad, i hear!
Dear Sheba - The weather is still hot outside, today the temp. hit 50c again, so I dont think anyone is going to see the Duwah this year.

Mosan - allergies?

eL ToRRo
El torro, welcome to the blog :)

50 again? :(

The duwah is a must, we'll just crank up the AC!
el toro
yes,,, most of the time
Dear Sheba - Thank you :) Yup its 50 again!@#$ can you believe this?!

A hot ramadhan? Good walking weather? I think its going to be bad next year round. Ramadhan is not for me, I usually enjoy the cool breeze at night to regain my thoughts on canvas.

eL ToRRo
Dear Mosan - Have you been to a specialist? I am being treated for the same symptoms, had a shot which worked a bit.

eL ToRRo
Dear El torro
No I am not .. suffering naturally like everyone else. Who is your specialist ?
Dear Mosan - Go to the ENT of Mowasat.

eL ToRRo
Dear Tata - Sorry did not see your comment.. must be blind! no color blind.. just blind! Yes I do paint and no i have nothing online.. Do U paint?

eL ToRRo
Chestnusts roasting on an open fire... oh wait, that's still a while away

Ay autumn allah ykhalleech? It's still summer as far as I'm concerned, just shorter days!

Btw, do we have a rule here where you're not supposed to wear white pants or shoes after a certain date? Like in the US, no whites after Labor Day?
Zaydoun, I'm mubrad, and i have strong power of suggestion!

I dont think we have a real rule, but i love the change of 'dishdash' colors with seasonal changes, but unless its REALLY cold the 1st guy who wears a wool dishdasha looks geeky!
The worst are the ones who insist on wearing the white cotton dishdasha when we get those sudden freezing northern winds
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