Monday, June 06, 2005


Lama looked at her watch. It was 1 hour past his usual calling time, and he hadn’t called. Hamad was very precise in his timing. He had told her yesterday that 3 of his friend’s girlfriend’s friends were joining them and she had thanked him for his honesty. Lama did not feel that she had the right to allow or disallow Hamad from anything. At this point, she does not even know if she wants to be his ‘girl friend’. The thought of a woman sharing his bed, did not turn her stomach yet. She cares about him a lot. She would not call him because she’s trying to go back to basics. To a time where a girl was not able to call a guy because she would fear her parents from finding out, to a time when a guy would call when it was the right time for him to talk. She was hoping that he would call her as soon as he was up for it.

What happened to giving a guy his space? Or is that only for chicken nuggety guys?
I find this post a bit confusing.And I attribute this confusion to the long sentences you are using - can't you break them up for simple-minded people like me? (Unless the post was not meant for simple-minded people in the first place)
Insha'Allah shosho

Changed it, hope this version will suffice?
الله يهداك....بس ما أدري ليش بس وايد عوّرني قلبي....بس أنا أحيي لما على موقفها...حمد شاب و من حقّه أنه يستمتع..بس أن أهيه تقدر تتماسك شذي...هذي القوه

La i3awrech galbich. Just keep reading, i guarantee a happy ending :)

I have plunged into fictional writing in the past but i never continue my stories. I think this one i will continue because its a good excersize for me to try to invisage whats in a man's mind, and i think the comments from our male & female readers will also aid me in my quest.

Ma fahamt. Wayed kalamech feeh alghaz hal ayam. Pls elaborate.

Aman 3an il isim, thats the 1st name i thought of.
Thanks Sheba for the clarification :D

Here is my reaction to Lama's predicament:
"A77ad eyeeb 3awar el galb 7ag roo7a???"

I long for the days where such situations never happened. I wish I were a kid playing with my barbies. I wish I can go back in time to when edaida -rest her soul-was alive. I wish I were 11 chasing her chickens and reading Archies while I rest on the deck...la7tha .... there are 2 women after Archie.....

And I totally agree with shopaholic q8eya.
Seems to me that Lama has a gut feeling about Hamad's shenanigans but is just putting her feelings on hold, being understanding about his 'honesty'.

Also, she is actually very smug about herself: that she is the good traditional girl who will not chase after a guy (hound him with phone calls)because it is not proper YET she understands that he goes out and socializes with other girls and might even have sex with them. She knows that & accepts it.

This is the kind of relationship that promotes double standards in this society. Acceptable for him but not for her.

Hmm..maybe Lama will be the one to 'save' Hamad.
He cares and she's not clingy. Promising if you ask me.

And It's not about double standards to me. I'd say the same if it was Lama who had spent the night with another stud.

Tislam eedich :)
Keep them coming

I so LOVED reading everyone's comments. Says A LOT about your personalities.

We have the illusioned souls: Bora, Shosho, & shopohilic Q8ya

We have the realistic souls:
Nano & Shurouq

We have the hurt but hopeful:
Wasi & MsB

We have the so generous males who are reassuring us that it is okay to show some neediness to a guy (if he likes you that is):

Kila-ma6goog & Crappy_Nappy

Thank you all :))
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