Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Dear Readers,

This insult to my intelligence and to my nationalism made the first page news today:

فيصل المسلم: امنعوا النساء من العمل بمحلات الملابس الرجالية!
امتدح عضو مجلس الامة الدكتور فيصل المسلم امس قرار منع الرجال من العمل في محلات الملابس النسائية الخاصة ووصفه بـ «الرائع» لكن المسلم دعا الى قرار آخر بمنع عمل النساء في محلات بيع الملابس الرجالية الخاصة متسائلا عن سبب عدم شمولهن بالمنع.

The country is in total havoc, our streets are out of capacity because there are 30% more cars than they can take, our clinics dispense generic paracetamol to every illness, we have no plan for the lurking avian flue pandemic, our public schools are contributing to the intellectual retardation of generations since 1990, and the people's representative is gleaming at the feat of abolition of men working in women fashion stores and is calling for the elimination of women working in men's fashion stores now.

I can't help but think 'How horny are these guys? They are so consumed by sex that they proceed to make it their political agenda's while the future of our country, MY country is in their dirty hands'.
Note: The MP quoted above is Faisal al-Muslim (Ironically named) and is an 'Islamic' MP from Khaitan if I am not mistaken.

تدرين شنو المشكلة؟
قبل خمسين سنة جنسوا ناس يايين من بيئة مختلفة بيئة مغلقة وفجأة من أفكار وهابية إلى بيئة تجارة وانفتاح على العالم (الكويت) وهاذي النتيجة!!
ما تبون التطور, كيفكم! بس لا تمنعون غيركم!! تبون وضعكم إللي كنتوا فيه؟ "ارجعوا من حيث أتيتم" و فكوووونننااااا


god bless Kuwait
التطور = التغيير
ما تبون تغيير كيفكم!!
قعدوا على حالكم
بس فالحين يقولون الله لا يغير علينا
لا يغير عليكم انتوا
احنا نبي التغيير
مو عاجبكم؟
suit yourself

ما تبي حريم يبيعونك لا تشتري مو ملزوم!! اقعد ببيتك وانثبر لأن ما يجوز تطلع الشوارع كلها حريم ما يجووووووووز شلون تمشي وتغمض عيونك مثلا؟
hehehe i broke out in laughter when i read the newspaper today..
its funny how nations and people move forward while we go in reverse! ;P

it's like the segregation law..
we have no say in our nation's laws, the haylag and uncivilizes people do..

at the end, u just go with the flow..

its depressing..
Actually, i do not think tajnees is bad anymore, i just think the government lost it & they dont care.

They sold Kuwait for their personal gain. They know how to manage their companies very well, but when it comes to managing the country (meskeena hal Kuwait) they do not care.

Its time to privatize, maybe if we make Kuwait a real business they would stop trying to rape it of all its worth.

tedreen what my sis calls hal ashkaal

"3uboosan qam6areera"

if you have a problem with the meaning, I'll explain it to you later lol
This is appalling to say the least!

I wonder, are there specific criterias for aspiring MPs that enter parliament, (such as maybe having a respectable college degree in economics/political science)? Or is it kilman hab ow dab that can nominate himself. That may be our underlying problem....
I don't see how this is solving anything. Was there a problem to begin with? Most of the sales women in male shops are filipino (for economical reasons) so it's not like this rule is "protecting kuwaiti women" from potentially-harassing men.

What about restaurants? Would this mean that it is unacceptable if I order a cheeseburger from a woman? Because there's bound to be some sort of interaction, isn't that the same thing?

I don't get it :/
These MPs are talented when it comes to absurd laws; I remember few years ago one such MP proposed a Saudi style law that required a male relative approval if a woman wanted to travel! So nothing is new here.. this is only the tip of the ice berg.

I could be wrong, but I think you only need to read and write to run for Parliament. Some are not even high school graduates let alone university graduates!
i the beholder,

I hope you are wrong, because that would be REALLY frightening...

how can we entrust an important responsibility (such as major decision-making) in the hands of uneducated and unqualified individuals?
Remember, ur talking about SUPER MUSLIM!

Expect the unexpected!
الحل انكم تصوتون ولا تنسون تسجلون مع اني ما اعتقد انكم لكم دور في خيطان
المسلم كما غيره كلامه جميل ومنمق قبل النجاح ومن نجح ركب الموجة مويقولون خلى الطلاب يسجلون في خاطان وينتخبوه الي بالجامعة
CD & McArabian,

I'm afraid I'm right .. this is from the site of The National Assembly

يشترط في عضو مجلس الأمة :

(1) أن يكون كويتي الجنسية بصفة أصلية وفقا للقانون .
(2) أن تتوافر فيه شروط الناخب وفقا لقانون الانتخاب .
(3) ألا تقل سنه يوم الانتخاب عن ثلاثين سنه ميلادية .
(4) أن يجيد قراءة اللغة العربية وكتابتها .
Yes devastatingly depressing

Yes, I intend to vote right

sounds right but tafseer please ;p

No real requirements (as was mentioned by he..the beholder. But what that list does not mention is that you must be 1) affluent enough to buy votes (average of KD 1000/vote), 2) or connected enough to be able to receive government owned land FOR EXAMPLE as a reward for some strategic alliance, or 3) backed by a huge tribe.

To be fair to the 2 MPs who might still have values, 4) Some MPs must have values (usually they call these the independents and never ever get to be Ministers or heads of imnportant committees, but they give us hope that there are still some good out there, we just have to make sure they keep running).

Protecting all women must be their #1 objective. I just shudder when i ask 'what next' these guys are getting more creative by the day.

"i" the beholder,
Yes, they are indeed talented. What is most horrific is not the nature of these absurd laws, it is that they are a means to an end. The end being turning Kuwait to the 3rd Islamic country in the world and then they won't even need a Parliament, because Islam is based on Ameer Mu2meneen and shoora. So out with our Constitutional Monarchy. Does the government know this? & Do they care?

E wala, seddag min gal ;)

Yes, education is vital, but do not think that this issue was made due to the lack of the MPs education(s), it is part of a carefully organized and planned, larger political agenda.

Yes, i remember very well liking Mr. Muslim when he was running. Which is a lesson for all of us, that no matter how good the campaign is, we have to investigate the political background of the candidate rather than what he says.
Well I think this much less harmless than releaving all debt!! what the hell ? how can anyone even consider that?

You have horny financially dumb MP's.
They should have a referendum about this issue and others like segregating KU.
Wonder what the outcome would be...the long bearded guys have big families...
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