Friday, November 18, 2005

Today Also

A few minutes later, my dad woke up. He’s been unwell. I wanted to spend time to him, but I did not have the emotional energy to walk into his room as if I am okay. He would know, as ill as he is, and that would worry him.

I sat in the living room, reading a book, and my brother came and sat next to me. Silent. He was reading too. My mother came also, she sat down, looking worried and helpless. Then my dad came in, slowly, accompanied. He sat down, could not cross his legs by himself, I tried to ignore his decay, be cheerful talking to him, and in a few minutes, he was asleep again. Both my mother and I were looking at his chest, secretly for fear of worrying one another.

3asalla yeshafeeh inshalla.

the weather is beautiful outside. u all can go and sit in the garden . shemaw shwayat fresh air with BB , all the family together .that would be fun ;-)
7abeebti, ma yshoof shur inshallah
I hope your dad will recover and feel better soon
try to stay strong
Im really sorry to hear such news. Allah yeshafeeh and inshalla he will be well soon inshalla (BIG HUG Sheba ) :*
I hope he feels better soon. How are you hangin on?
Dear Dear Fellow Bloggers,

Your soothing words and kindness are truely felt.

My father is 68, but as a result of 3 heart attacks and 2 strokes, all within 10 years from each other, his body is now of 98 year old.

He has had a change in medicatation, and is slowly getting used to them insha'Allah. In the evening he was much better al7amdila.

Sorry to depress you.

Kind Regards,
Ma yshof shar inshAllah.
Ajiro 3afya 7abeebty :*
Be strong for him!
inshallah tomorrow will be a better day :)
Ma yshoof sharr el waled, Sheba. Salamat inshallah.
Dear Sheba,

Salamta ma yeshoof shar. My thoughts are with you.

I hope everything turns out fine... I really do.

your buddy,
Thank you all & ilshar mayeekum. Dad is LOT BETTER al7amdila :)

Allah eshafee kil marthakum
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