Tuesday, December 27, 2005

What Would You Do for a Loved One?

Would you move for them?

Would you lie for them?

Would you change your religion/beliefs for them?

Would you change your habits/lifestyle (good or bad) for them?

Would you quit your job for them?

Would you give up a friend for them?

Would you give up drugs (includes recreational drugs and alcohol) for them?

Would you wear the hijab for them (girls only)?

Ana meste3ed age6 e7jabee!

Dear Sheba,

Sorry about that outburst... what can I say. I am a passionate individual.


Would you move for them? (YES)

Would you lie for them? (YES)

Would you change your religion/beliefs for them? (NO)

Would you change your habits/lifestyle (good or bad) for them? (YES)

Would you quit your job for them? (YES)

Would you give up a friend for them? (NO)

Would you give up drugs (includes recreational drugs and alcohol) for them? (NO)

Would you wear the hijab for them (girls only)? (NO)
1. Only if I want to.

2. Lie "for" them? or Lie to them?

3. Never

4. Well, people change, you know. and there is no such thing as "the perfect one for me". So we have to change some of our habits so we could get along and not end up beating each other. I don't believe it when people are like "No, that's just me - you take me as I am". I could act a little stubborn but the truth is I'm very flexible. (in many ways than one)

5. Only if I want to.

6. No way! I don't want to lose my friends. He could dump me any time.. Where would I go then, huh?
You can always have different "loved-ones" but your friends - They're the best. They are forever.

7. If I'm stupid enough to harm myself, I'd like someone to care of me. Why not.

8. I don't believe in Hijab. So this could go with answer (3) I wont.
1. NO
2. NO
3. NO
5. NO
6. NO
Would you move for them? (no)

Would you lie for them? (no)

Would you change your religion/beliefs for them? (yes)

Would you change your habits/lifestyle (good or bad) for them? (yes)

Would you quit your job for them? (yes)

Would you give up a friend for them? (yes)

Would you give up drugs (includes recreational drugs and alcohol) for them? (No)

Would you wear the hijab for them (girls only)? (I’ll wear ghetra and 3gaal for them hahaha)

BTW, I was holding my fingers crossed behind my back the whole time hahaha..

Well realistically speaking, yes I would move for her even to place that I might not like, cos I might like it when I am around her.. Yes I will lie for her.. I will change nothing about me, I will not try and change anything about her, I’ll accept her as she would be, and I expect her to do the same.. we both will be changing as we grow older, and we’ll embrace these changes together.. Same thing about the life style change.. The question would be why would I need to quit my job for her? If it’s a reasonable answer, then I might do it.. I have seen people giving up friends for their significant other, I really don’t know to tell you the truth, I have never been in that situation.. and I really need to value the whole thing.. but most likely not.. especially if that friend is more than just an acquaintance. The question about giving up drugs and alcohol is kinda controversial, cos drugs is substance abuse, where alcohol could be controlled if you know what I mean, I could add smoking here as well.. so I can say it depends, if I was a junkie, I might want to quit for my self, and for her as well.. if I was an alcoholic, I will do the same and quit, but if I am not harming anyone, and enjoying my self, then why quit just because she tells me to quit.. it doesn’t really make sense to me.. smoking is something that I would do for her, because I really feel guilty today for every time I kissed a girl while I smoked, the mouth taste awful, as for the last question.. I would wear ghetra and 3gal if she likes it, but not the whole day, it’s enough as it is to be wearing it the whole day at work.. so back to my ripped jeans.. :) was that a long comment?? :P
1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Beliefs cannot be changed
4) If I am convinced, yes.
5) Probably not.
6) No.
7) Yes.
8) Big no.
this is so interesting!

I will give my comments last :)
kalakchee don :P
1) Yes
2) No
3) No
4) Maybe
5) No
6) No
7) Maybe
It's funny how females are more flexible..

Here are my answers:

Move. I did - from the States to Kuwait.

It's easy to say no for the rest but it really depends on the circumstances (except the last one - I only wear it for funerals.)
1.Maybe so, depending on where to move to :P Someplace exotic sure ;p
Would you move for them? Yes.
Would you lie for them? Possibly, depends on the lie.
Would you change your religion/beliefs for them? No.
Would you change your habits/lifestyle (good or bad) for them? Yes.
Would you quit your job for them? Depending on the reasons. Wouldn't go to a worse job no matter what.
Would you give up a friend for them? For my husband ONLY. And a good husband. Mo wa7id bu 6aga :P He should be able to fill the friends place.
Would you give up drugs for them? Doesnt apply.
Would you wear the hijab for them? I wear hijab, but I would not wear it or an 3abaya for a man.

Misguided: loooooooooooooooooooool
yes (assuming that hes Saudi and plans on moving OUT of saudi)
yes.. yakhtee kthabna 3ashan kha6r illi ma n3arfhom, o lain jeena lel7abayeb gelna la? :p
apparently i "can't"
no, aslan I can do my job from home so,, no problem here LOL
depends on the "friend",, I only have a few close friends who're amazing.. i cant find a reason why anyone cant stand them..y3ni lo ygooli ana willa Sheba,, wsh mumkin bagool? ;p 3ad tkhayyali lo ja ilbakht o byg3ed yzen 3alay 3ashan my friends? ma sarat 3eesha wallah! TURN OFFFFFFFF!
sharing is caring sheba.. o b3dain 7alat il drugs ma3 illi t7ebeeenah.. anwaa3 il tas6eel and stories for the grandkids
i wont love someone who would force me to wear 7jaab bcz its not his business..and the fact that he prioritizes it means inna ma 3ndah salfa ghair 7jaaabi.. khallah y6eer bas!
i will do nothing for them!

if they dont like me with all my goods and bads they will not become a LOVED ONES

keep it up:)

and please i know am not a loved one for u ,but for god sake take off ur word verification
Catch 22.. lol

"ma sarat 3eesha wallah!"

did you just have a fight with your hypothetical loved one already?
Now that 'moving' suddenly sounds appealing, I might.

Yes, I would lie for them.

You can't change your beliefs by choice. You can only pretend. And no, I wouldn't

Habits and lifestyle are open for negotiation.

I wouldn't quit my job for them! Why would they want me to?

Wouldn't give up a friend either.

I don't do drugs and I'm not that big on drinking.. So if they ask nicely, I would :)

No, I wouldn't wear Hijab for them.

LOL la bs tkhayyalt il mawqef.. bayekhhhh.. aslan i dont get attracted to the fussy type.. abadan..
1- yes 2- no 3- no 4- yes 5- no 6- yes 7- weel i don`t do those but if yes
very honest & welcome to the blog :)

I like your answers & explanations expecially the friends question!

Wow matqashmer!

I liked "..You can't change your beliefs by choice. You can only pretend."

The Don,
Regarding the change religion/belief, you're the only one so far who said "Yes" I AM IMPRESSED!

You're very giving, 3awartai galbi

Yes fussy guys are usually skinny and mean! Blub u :*

Kila ma6goog,
You have a point, bess ma yemna3 ina ilwa7ed e6awer nafsa- 3adel?
& Sorry magdar asheel il word verification because i get spammed!

You really try hard to get on my bad side, i wonder why?

I didn't expect your answer to No. 6
should not come as a surprise to anyone, but then again if you looked carefully at my answers you can see I am flexible on issues that would be relavent and worth adjusting for someone, while the rest are to extreme to discuss or think of, but then again thats my Purgatorian view.
e tsadgeeen atkhayyalhom MARRA SKINNY that you want to just.. STAB THEM!

hate skinny guys..laa o self conscious ba3d,, ma baggolna shay!!

يا حياة الشقا
E la kalamek 3adel :p

LOL ahh ur sense of humour has fine tuned :*
well when u in loooove u`ll do averything and anything to get his or her aprovel
this is fact of life
وعلى العموم تعتمد على درجة الصديق
يعني فيه خط رجعة :)
وين اخر اخبارج بالاسهم صرتي مليونيرة ولا للحين تحت المليون مثلي
انا ابي اكون مليارديرة بس اخاف من الحسد

وبعدين يمدحون التواضع
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. N/A
4. Yes
5. Yes
6. No
7. Maybe

But was all the above good enogh??! NO!
Move? already did

Lie? Maybe

Change religion? i have to be in the situation to dicide

Change habits/lifestyle? if he agrees to do the same

Quit my job? I don't think so, or maybe depends on the reason why since i don't really like my job

Give up friends? never

Give up drugs? I will never be addicted to such things, so yes

wear hijab? NO NO NO, I would never love such a guy

3indi ALAMAN bess

and my recommendations are:


& no b3eeda 3an il million ib wayed bess metfa2la ib catch-22, itha sarat milyardaira ;)

Hehe, laish No. 3 is not applicable?

I guess its when u have to do so much for a person then its not right because it shouldnt be so difficult to be with a person you love. (And changes usually come voluntarily & naturally when its "right".)
No to all.

He should accept me the way I am. period.
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