Friday, March 02, 2007

Kuwaiti - British

As I stopped to find my seat, my neighbor to-be, sitting on the isle, got up quickly to help me lift up my carry on, in the presence of the flight attendant who had already informed me that he would take care of it.

I thanked him in Arabic, with a smile, and sat down. His chivalry at such a young age took me back.

A while later, coffee and carbs came by and I said "yes please", I took hold of the foam cup and stirrer, and the flight attendant said "250 fils". I smiled and handed him a 5 Dinar note. He apologized for not having change, and as I started to say that he can keep the five till he accumulates sufficient change, the young man next to me held out his arms with a quarter dinar note.

I was lost for words, quickly collected my self, and thanked him in full blown Arabic, and insisted that the attendant brings back change when he has it.

My neighbor reacted to my plethora of thanks with a kind smile and polite shrug, barely uttering half a word. I thought to myself "well brought up and self conscious due to his young age".

He went back to his Freakonomics in spite of his girl friend on their other side of the isle trying to speak to him, and I brought out my Street Lawyer.

A while later, the lady on the window seat started a conversation with me, which was quiet enjoyable, and allowed me courage to ask the young gentleman next to me where he’s from. "My father is Kuwaiti and my mom is British" (I don't remember if he said British or English). But here I wanted to tell him what a great job she's done in rasing him. I didn't say it, I thought it might embarrass him, so I apologized for speaking in Arabic, and he said he could understand.

I would like to apologize again to the young man for ending the conversation abruptly and not thanking him again.

So please if anyone knows this gentleman or his mother, please let them know that I thank them both.

This is a thanks, an apology, and a tribute to my Kuwaiti-British neighbor on my flight to Dubai on Jazeera airlines last week.

هذي الخلطة اللي نؤيدها لانها تساهم في رفع مستوى التربية والاخلاق في مجتمعاتنا,,,

الولد يجوز متربي,,,
يس أنا متأكدة أنه أنجبر فيج

خاصة عقب ما تحجبتي وضعفتي ,,,,

مس يو حبوبة!
il walad ma yetjawaz 3umra 17 sina

Miss you too xxoo
its so good to see ppl like that still exsist
rasing = raising

I started thinking of Notes on a Scandal once you mentioned his age ;)

Young men have their charm, mo?

(Naughty me, naughty me)
يمكن يروح المسجد كل يوم
How many cups of coffee did you get and how was its taste?
Very mo ;)

Sheba dear,
Missed your posts :* Keep them coming

always knew you had a pervy streak :p

bo jaij,
ma athen بس يعجبني حيائه

1 coffee, nescafe shachet

miss you more. shlonich shakhbarich?
Have any of you checked out the Freakonomics blog? I'm addicted!

متى تحجبتي؟؟؟

ما تحجبت وما تزوجت وماتطوعت بشئ ولاظعفت ولا قرأت كتاب مفيد

i'm on a diet so that i wont miss your beach party this year!
Flight adventures eh? ;P
not much of an adventure!
adventures o ni9.. lol
lol wala i'm not a perv!
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