Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Kanafa Wives!

This is a topic ignited by wasma and here is what she wrote (this was her reply to Mosan in 'Whispers' Blog):

...As far as girls being teasers and spoiled - yes I have to admit we do have a certain breed of girls whom never fail to ruin our chances of meeting decent ppl you know why? because they reached those "decent" ppl before us and f*ed em up mentally that WE "decent" girls have to go thru crap cleaning "their" crap and left up residue of crapness until theyre all nice n tidy and civil again then WHOA - he goes and marries the girl after us in line (I decided to name this the "bridge" factor) Decent girls occasionally become bridges (and I mean very stable nurturing (detoxing? one might say) bridges that link men (come to think of it, friggin spoiled for not recognising OUR FUTILE EFFORTS) to their , whats that word Sheba.. Trophy Wives (or Knafa wives*, according to Sheba and I)...

...A knafa wife is a Trophy wife (however the formula is irriversible) She is a wife manufactured to cater to her spoiled husband's needs (Stepford wife) however, Sheba and I came up with the term AGES before the Step. Wives movie. Those species live for the comfort of their spouses. You can easily detect a Knafa Wife...'

1- I can tell who is a trophy wife. It is sad cuz the parents no matter how rich they are in the business of selling their children to other famlies.
2-so men after the get F...ed by women they reach a point of no return, 2 have relationship anymore, just fun. Question

The hairy - khashna kind of Kenafa can it be lasered and turned into a smooth - Kenafa na3ma?
you should have posted all the comment. Kanafa wives you have them in Q8 they are bred to that.Once they have their eye on you no escape from them. when you approch them for merrige they only ask for you bank statement for the past 5 years. they are merried into every 5 star family in Q8 and to every rich guy.The take over your life you cant do anything without her,the husbands family will hate her and she will make sure that the husband does not talk to his family. I can go on and on........(al naqeeb ) girls or their moms are al naqeeb 2nd generation.
Ok...someone made a poopoo...

No need really to mention family names matter what the reason is...thats what I think...and this comes from a Mad dont-give-a-f*** kind of a guy
You know what wasii, yesterday i realized for the 1st time that i was expected to be a Kenafa wife by whats-his-name. Do all/most guys want Kanafa wives although they say they dont?


hmm, where does the ex come into this story?
So basically a Knafa Wife is a wife who actually puts some efforts into her looks. If she looks good, then she must be bad? Is that the logic behind the Knafa Wife? Sorry I'm slow and need things to be explained "simply" to me :P

Oh and no offense but the movie "Stepford Wives" that's out now, is a remake of the 1975 movie "The Stepford Wives" :)
She knows what I mean Wasma, in all her stories, her ex appears in some form or another, it is in this one as in the other ones.
DnG: I will let Wasma exlain what a kanafa wife looks like again. There is a tutorial at 4 pm here.

CN: i thought u cheated on your decent girl?

I think we're all born decent then we come into the cycle of crap, and we become crappy or slutty.
:( sorry wasma! sij sij klaaab!

Btw, wasma is an amazing interior designer! Is hard working, and HOT! Any prospective employees?
Wasma, more will come, just be patient.
Well should I ever get my business up and running, I wont have to look any further. The knafa wives blog hit the right spot. Mainly cause im looking for a non-knafa wife. Do you have a name for those too ? What would it be... pre-knafa wife ? or potential pre-knafa ?

Or was it prep-knafa ? bleh...
Fatlity: why do you think so?

Ananye: non-kanafa wife would suffice
Kanafani... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
How about salty chicks?
I still prefer 6aibawee
Dear Sheba/Wasma,

I think i have some kind of school for graduating those jerks. Jerks are welcomed to send their admitance applications, and in no time they'll pass and be ready for commitment.
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