Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Tuesday Quickie!

Having 12 hour days at work, but i guess its a blessing. Grand ma got diagnosed with cancer, saddest thing since the invasion. A lot more happening on every front. This week will change the rest of my life.

Why do all singers in Arabic video clips act horny?

Galaxy commercials are good.

Still fat (BMI 24), but looking good i must say.

Went to neighbor's engagment. Poor girl looks up to me. Why, i don't know?

Bitch of a relative threw a comment i cannot understand, but basically that she is happy that i am single!

12 hours doing what? And it better be something you enjoy or pays well.

Grandma with cancer? (Salamat) Was it found early so they can do something about it? Strange cancer, I rarely hear elderly get cancer. Most of my grandparents have the standard heart & blood problems, diabetes and arthritis.

Galaxy commerical are the female version of Arabic video clips...

Maybe the girl looks up to you cause your taller?
you just had to insert the horny part between all those lines, didn't you?
Nibaq, Pink, Fawaz, Mamasta: thank you for your muwasat, it is heartfelt. Her MRI is today, we'll know the stage she's in on Sunday insha'ALlah. Allah yaster.

Purg: funny how you have selective reading skills.

Mamasta: Janet Jackson?

Fawaz: merci 3al fat comment, but my def of fat is that the clothes i bought earlier this summer barely button up :s
i don't like fat, it is unhealthy, however, i would rather a woman who is a little plump than too skinny. i'm sorry your grandmother has cancer, that is difficult, i understand, my mother died of cancer.
Chocolates are mandatory in any self-respecting woman's life. Imagine life without them!
Retarius: I am sorry about your mother. Cancer seems to be the plat du jour for Gabriel lately or is it Israel (the death angel)? Forgot my theology :S oh well i shouldn't be blasphemous under the current circumstances, i need every natural and supernatural energy to be with me.

As to slightly plump girls versus skinny, i can see the rational. From a basic instint view, plump is healthy & fertile. From a aesthetic or physical point of view, slightly plump is cuter (sometimes).
Of course I am, I look for those lines in your posts specifically and you know why I do it.
Of course I am, I look for those lines in your posts specifically and you know why I do it.
Sheba, sorry to hear about your grandma. I hope its in early stages

Question: How come Tuesday quickie is posted on a Wednesday?
Zaydoun! Thats weird, dunno. It was written & posted on Tuesday.
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Dear Sheba
sorry abt your grandma, be strong 4 her.
married people are all le miz, they envy single people. She said something like that b-cuz as u said u r looking good. If u feel that the hell with the rest.
1 more thing next time she throughs a bitch commnet bitch back so its does not become a habit with not only her all of them too.

b strong and have a nice holiday
Dear Sheba,

Sorry about your grandmother, and inshallah her recovery will be speedy and painless.

Don't worry about the fat, Ramathan is just around the corner if you wish to loose some weight, unless you binge ma7albiya, gaimat, ge6ayef and all the goodies...

SOrry to hear about ur grandmother I wish her to cure inshallah.

The comment about being single... dear it is said that el-7gran eyga6e3 el m9ran :) so don't bother ur self with what ever she said, just chill & if the same person bothers u with the same kind of comments & it gets on ur mind then put an end to it use frim, short & SERIOUS words & looks, I made an old woman that ussed to say stuppid comments about ANY thing i might do shut up with only a LOOK because I was really fed up with her & if she wasnt smart enough to shut up I would have exploded in her face :}.
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