Sunday, April 17, 2005


When did adultry become a social norm in Kuwait?! I am disgusted!


you believe me
And what makes Kuwait different from the rest of the world?

As long as marriage is a norm, adultery will be.
I'm surprised we don't have team uniforms yet, it has become such a popular national pastime..and Shurouq is probably happens all over, but I guess we are such a small community it's hard to miss it. It's probably time to rethink marriage, or at least refashion it for today.
Sure its old news, & sure we're definitely no better than other societies. However, its become such a norm that it is no longer Taboo among many. Not only that, but sometimes it is endorsed by those around the adulterers 'she loves him, he beats her, he not sexually satisfied'

1. Why get married in the 1st place, if you're so selfish?

2. Marriage is a vow with 3 parties: husband, wife, & their Creator. In adultry, the disrespect & dishonor goes to all.

3. If its so horrible- get a divorce!
i agree with kwtia *refashion marriage*.. but the promblem is when you try to change yourself while it's quite hopeless to change your partner.. you know what? just get a divorce! how about that? ;)
I think the way marriage is conducted in q8 is the root of this evil - men and women do not really "choose" their partners. The guy accepts his mother's suggestion, and the girl's choice is based on the proposals she gets, which are not that many in most cases.

Matters are not likely to change since our society is blindly moving towards gender segregation, which means people will be forced to undergo traditional marriages even though they are not conviced by such methods.
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