Saturday, April 09, 2005


"a bit of Rgagness is like Wasabi, it spices the relationship but too much of it makes you gag" Wasma

What is Rgag?
Regaag 1. Traditional Kuwaiti bread, can be eaten plain or with an infusion of sugar, egg, and saffron. 2. Is a condition in which a male/female involuntarily goes back to his/her cultural/religious roots when it comes to controversial issues (i.e. attire, social functions and such.)
They often communicate with their mother tongue and in their local accent, stressing on prehistoric jargon to emphasize their genuine ancestry and decent. They unintentionally speak English (although some try their hardest when others do it intentionally for reasons mentioned above) in their local accent as well.
They are shwayya raj3eyeeen, ya3ni no bikini (Sheba). damhom khafeef and they enjoy male bonding in dewaneyat and consider it cool mathalan, they think that chicken nuggets are malaqa o damhom thgeel (their nemesis.)

The rgag male attracts:
1. Chicken nugget girls because they want to change them (chicken nugget impulse), WHY: Because they flaunt their manhood, they are assertive in girl-getting, they fall in love fast, and they don't usually befriend potential relationship threats (i.e. female friends.)

2-Rgaag Girls (chicken nugget girls neminses) WHY: Because they want them to be *their Gift Bitches*, sexual compatibility ;), and easy communication (Quote Sheba.)

Rgaag girls: easy access, less hassle, easy communication

On holiday (i.e. vacation):
An arab destination is a must for winter or summer holidays (Beirut, Cairo, Manama) London or Paris (during Khaleeji seasons), and the occasional Manchester United game.

NOTICE: Rgaag by all means does NOT refer to Hailag, HOWEVER, Hailag people MAY have Rgaag qualities.

P.S.: Thanks to Crappy_Nappy for the term that is now widely used in both Saudi and Kuwait.


addition to the characteristics of a Rgag: The Rgag male goes to (in his early years) and listens to Samrat religiously.
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think I am Teshreeba.

rgaag but mushy. Certainly not Falafel: hard on the outside yet soft on the inside.

I dunno...maybe just Misguided.

mmhhh...Sheba..interesting observation
Dear Sheba,

I guess you are right...mushy kinda sounds wrong.

Maybe I just 9ab elgafsha . Sweet.

yours truly,

Misguided 7ameth 7eloo el-blogawy Bin 3enternet
Perhaps ;)
ops, that was me
The Rgaggzz sound so desirable :P
John Doe

إنت تمرة مغطسة بكاكاو ومغلفة
ويبيعونها في الجمعية
تمرة سوفستكيتد
Question off topic, why are you blogging on a regular basis now?
many of us are caught up in a confusing cultural dichotomy which is hard to really define. miss Heelz i remain uncategorized, but i do find the likes of john do interesting! (imbarga3at during the day??? -is it the mystery? )

CN, luv ya too
JD, nawar il blog ;)
NWMH, Lumin, wayed philosophy which make nuggets in denial.
W, i agree, 7adhum yummie & hot But when they act up kilish mu zain. Then again chicken nuggety guys are cute too & they find us exotic ;)
FAWAZ, You truely need a definition by yourself!
MsB, glad you're having fun.

Thought: where do kids from bilingual (Arabic/English) schools get catagorized?
Does that make you happy or upset you?

But you're right, and these are the possible reasons:

1. I just broke up with a blogger and what to piss him off.
2. I have a crush on a blogger and want to catch his attention.
3. I am in love with a blogger and this is how we communicate.
4. I'm bored with blog world and thought its time to have some fun with some silliness.
5. I have become a couch potatoe, and must find entertainment indoors.
I heard Sultan-made rgaag bread is being sold here.

rgaag is the thinnest bread known to man, extremely dry and brittle it expands into some kind of sludge similar to lasagna dough when added to a sauce or stew. Like everything else in this country its always thirsty and can absorb or swallow large quantities of liquid.

Is "swallowing" one of the characteristics of a rgaag girl...I wonder
Sheba, neither, just curious. As for the options, my feeling is option 4.

Bu J!!! VERY naughty!

msB & Jon D ;)

Wasii, must simplify! Mukhi 3awarni ;p

Crappy, after reading Bu Jaij's comment, i am A NUGGET or Machboos Never a rgaag (gaag ;p) girl
At first I didn't quite get the post, so I thought I'd wait until enough people commented.. but now I'm even more lost.

So instead of declaring myself this category or that... I'll ask Sheba to do it.

Sheba, over to you!
Zaydoun! Ybeelaha derasah!

أنت سوشي
لست رقاق


أنت كراميل بوب كورن
We Kuwaitis have an intense fascination with food. We interpret people through food imagery and categorize them according to our palates.

You guys have done a great job in defining the different characteristics of the various types of people.

And JD & Ms.Baker- too funny :) and yes BuJaij is quite the naughty as well.
Crappy so you are the one w the copyright to the term Rgaggz, then?
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