Monday, May 16, 2005


Why are people more comfortable making assumptions rather than coming out and asking you directly 'are you gay?' or 'are you dating so & so?' or 'do you like me?'

Are we afraid of embarrasing the persons concerned? Or do we want to act civilized and are not bothered with other people's business? Or is it more fun to assume (more gossip material)?

P.S. I Apologize for disappearing with out much notice. Was travelling.

Sheba // i dont know u personally lakin i did miss u ya 7maraaa ;**** kisses ( thats how i express myself fa plz dont be offended ) dont ever leave 4 a long time without telling // mo 3an shay lakin i was worried min wa7id hoola ihnee dash o sawa comment fa gilt he probabley contacted u oo athaach // but thank god ;**

anyway // min na7yat il mawthoo3 // being straigh forward is wayy better // i remember when i first met Alexis bil University gilt lah // hi ismee 3baiid // im gay // are u?? LOooL
I can't answer that. for one reason, I am a very straight forward woman but I'm not rude.
That is one of the reasons why I don't have many female friends, most of girls here are either shallow or shallow! well.. they do nothing except gossipping about anything and everything.. I know there are guys like that too. but I am not a big fan of other people's lives. so they're no friends of mine.

good to have you back :*
ببساطه شديده...اسهل...على فكره وايـــــــــــــــــــــد استانست معاك
BB baby!!! I missed you too!!! How are you sweetie!? Yes I saw that comment & I took the anonymous option off & i think i know who 'it' is and what exactly they're jealous off & i can't blame her for this reaction ;))

Sarah dahling!! You sound like a riot!

nano sweetie, me too!
Sarah :* good to be back

Hey baby, thank you & thank you for your reply to 7ayzaboona (al7amdila wl sheker).

Miss ya gurl!
OK, do you like me ? :)
HeY!! Ur BaCk!! =D
el 7mdillah 3ala el salama..
Welcome back nawartay el blogging world ;*
anyway, some ppl cant be straight forward not bcz they're afraid of embarrasing but bcz they DO NOT want to see the others reactions just not to feel bad about it..
Now kuwaiti ppl LOVE gossips cz most of them were born with a "big mouth" ;P
I make assumptions to avoid intimacy, intrusion, commitment, rejection, admiration, humiliation.. you name it!

Making assumptions is my favorite sport.

El7amdella 3ala essalama
You've been missed
I Like you Purg. ;)
umm umm, misguided, you know what the next question is on my mind, don't you :P
LOL Purg... See you assumed.... You should come out and ask...

Gibe the Sheba experiment a shot!!

After all... what do U have to lose.

Or are you afraid to hurt my feelings. ;P
ok, are you dating? :P
Hehe amusing comments. Miss you all!

Msbaker :* how are you babe? I e-mailed you but no reply is everything and everyone okay? Thank you for your support (regarding shamless commentator on previous post).

Purg, don't know you to like you. But i do like your comments in 2005 (a lot more light hearted and fun). Hows that?

Thank you babe, i stopped them khalas.

Thank you dahling. Very true about the big mouths ;)

Alexis, Thank you & Allah ibarek feek! Very true about being afraid of harsh answers, but i would rather be asked rather than false assumptions are made on my behalf.

hehe. Know what you mean and thank you, Allah eslemich sweet one.

Salted Caramel,
Your nick makes me hungry! Yes i am guilty of making assumptions for fear of being hurt too.


Welcome to the blog. Sad username. Will come to read your post.

Purg & MG,
hahaha! mu layeg kilish!
Simple, you are more relaxed this year than last year, hence, I can comment without any reservations, you know how to react to me now, which was not the case last year.

As for me and him, well he started flirting with me, so I am trying to see what he has in his pockets ;)
Dear Sheba,

Welcome back. Congrats on yesterday's decision.

Purg, currently single. Are you coming on to me?
I would hate to assume... I rather just ask.
Misguided, la khalas :)
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