Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Went to a Mosque Today to Pray Qiyam Al-Lail

(aka Jiyam)

And here is my experience:

1. Spiritually I felt good.
2. The mosque I went to prayed 10 rak3at, which took me by surprise, i’ve always been to the mosques that do 8 rak3at. I guess its 'masyed mutqa3deen'
3. I didn’t see a single munaqaba, nor a single guy wearing a short dishdasha, which made me wonder if they consider Qiyam al-Lail bed3a or that they would only go to mosques which pray for the Mujahedeeeeeen!
4. Thank god the Imam was Kuwaiti, cuz I didn’t have to hear bad prayers against alnasarah and alyahood, nor good things about mujahedeen!
5. The lady next to me was 55ish, obese, praying on a chair, and at one point I sat down because I felt faint (she smelt of fried garlic & onions & VIM), which takes me to my next point,
6. Why do some mosque goers not shower and/or wear fresh clothes when they go to the mosque? I thought the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) advised us to not eat garlic/onions on the day we go to the mosque, so don’t they get that this is serious?
7. There were 2 girls who took off their head gear as soon as the prayer finished. Not nice at all.
8. The 2 ladies praying in front of me kept backing up, I almost lost my head during prayers. Allah 7efathni :)

what is the point of this post? to know you went to jeyam? or some other motive?
u could have simply changed ur place !. i do agree they even smell like onions or smell like a box of (6eeb & bokhoor)

3salla yetqabal !
النظافة مطلوبة واذا انتو البنات تتشكون لمجرد صلاة القيام واهي تقريبا الوقت الوحيد الي تدشون فيه المساييد
شلون عيل احنا الرجال باجي السنة
من كل انواع المهن
الواحد يتحمل بهالمكان الي ما يتحمله في غيره وكل واحد له اجر
tgabbal allah and try to focus:)
شيبا أنا لمّا كنت أروح القيام في المسجد...كنت على طول أحط يأيدي كلينكس فيه ريحه خفيفه...عشان أذا انحطيت في مثل هذا الموقف الا عندي حل...بس الحين من قمت أجيم في بيتي ارتحت من الروائح
I've always wondered when I see men heading to the mosque in their home dishdasha. I mean if this is your place of worship, wouldn't you want to look your best, out of respect I mean?
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