Thursday, November 03, 2005

Sheba's Travel Tip 1

My travel day went as usual, traded, when to 2 meetings, did my correspondence, then lazily checked my ticket to find that my plane was 1 hour before the time I had planned to be at the airport. I drove like a mad woman while talking to Ramila, our Goan housekeeper who must be spoken to in perfect English or else will not respond, to tell her what to pack. I got home, grabbed a quick bite, bid my parents farewell, and ran to the airport.

Of course I never carry cash and that would be the first thing I pursue upon arrival. Then, at my hotel, I realized while talking on the phone, that I do not have the confirmation number but I carry a loyalty card so the receptionists must smile in spite of their aggravationon with me. I asked for an upgrade too.

In longer trips I would first unpack then shower, in shorter ones, I would proceed to shower right before ordering a hot drink. From here onwards, each trip is unique in its mishaps:

I was in Dubai yesterday and as soon as I jumped out of my shower, I realized that I forgot my deodorant. I have forgotten sleeping socks, work shoes, chargers, but never deo. Thank God for Uncle A's advise to a new staff member with body odor problems which I always thought was amusing but never have I thought that I would one day follow:

Uncle A to BO employee: Everyday, you must shower, then you must buy the big yellow cologne from Jamiyaa (I will buy for you), and splash a handful under each arm, then you must wear fresh clothes.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen I sprayed *perfume on my underarmerarm. And yes, it worked.

Travel Tip Number One: Use perfume/cologne instead of deodorant when in need

*Armani, the pink one

huh! doesn't it burn?
kloonya etsawwid il aba6! mo zain!
hehe imbala, bess 3ammy egool tet3awedain :p

I dont know about that, aba6 3ammy abyath
i've always assumed that if you spray cologne on a bad smell, it becomes worse..

does ur thing actually work?

You spray deodorant or perfume AFTER your shower
LOL , mn lah 7eelah falya7taal

3eedech mbarak !
First, 3eedkom umbarak! :P
Second, it depends on the kind of perfume because some might cause an itch/alergy.
U.E.'s travel tip #1 - Hotels (and airlines) generally provide complimentary 'Emergency Amenities' bags with essentials like toothbrush, sewing thread and DEODERANT! Just ask the desk. Also a fun way to try hair products you would never buy on your own!

I traveled like a mad-woman when I was recruiting but never managed to pack a complete suitcase. hee hee
hehe interesting, I never checked abatat color in my life before I think from now no that's what I'll be doing!!!

Happy Eid =}
yah ask the desk frequent traveler.
شور 2 باليوم
ملابس نظيفة كفاية
كولنيا بهالاماكن يكي
Once I sprayed perfume by accident and it burned me
O i've been told it makes it black cuz it burns/irritates the skin.
I don't think you should get used to this. :) Only emergencies!
عيدج مبارك, عساج من العايدين الفايزين انشالله
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